Monday, May 19, 2008

Katharina Comes for Coffee!

At 11 this morning, Katha came to Heidleberg and we went to Schiller for latte macchiatos. We spent a few hours just talking and I also corrected and went over some of her homework. She really is just the cutest thing ever and I’m so happy that we’ve maintained our friendship over the past 6 years. She walked me to my class at 2, which was a little frustrating today. I was having trouble with my tone and even though I knew how I should say it and was able to say it right outside of the text, when it came to reading it aloud, I just couldn’t do it! It was like as it was coming out of my mouth I couldn’t stop from saying it wrong. So weird. I did some homework for Frau Heckmann after class and then went to her class that night. It was exciting having Katha visit me for the day and I hope we get to hang out a lot more in the next few weeks because at the end of June she’s leaving for Brighton, England to study for the summer. That stinks because I really wanted to go to Paris with her. Oh well, it will help her English (even though she’s already really good at it!)

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