Sunday, October 7, 2007

Keith's Birthday

This morning I had planned on going to church with Maressa and Charis, but I woke up several times in the middle of the night with a sore throat. I thought about just sucking it up and going, but when my alarm went off I still wasn't feeling well. So I think I slept until about 10:30 and then got up and did a few things around my room. Today was Keith's birthday so I made him a card and gave him the M&M's that I bought last night. He was so excited about the M&M's and ended up eating all of them yesterday!

I had to write a paper for my program about a chemical company (BASF) that we visited last week. I had been putting it off this whole week so today I had to finally sit down and write it. It only had to be between 1 and 2 pages, but it still took some time to write. My vocab about science museums and chemical companies is not too extensive!

Around 5 Keith and I took a walk up to the castle. I really like going on walks with him. It gives us a chance to explore Heidelberg a little more and catch up. The walk up the hill wasn't bad at all, but it was definitely warm! Of course I took more pictures because it was just so pretty! There was a little fog over the town. Keith had never walkd through the gardens so we had fun exploring and taking lots of pictures. I think he likes taking pictures as much as I do! Except I don't think he scrapbooks them (hope not!) I had to finish my paper when I got back and started feeling sick again, so I didn't go out to celebrate. I felt bad about that since he came out for my birthday even though he was really tired, but I just dont't think it would have been a good idea! I feel like I should have done more for his birthday, he didn't even have a cake! Poor guy!

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