Monday, July 7, 2008


Heidi wasn't at AJY this morning so after taking out some of the trash, Maressa and I went to Star Coffee. Maressa left Heidi and Skyler a note of where we'd be in case they came to AJY. When we visited Makenna in Rome she called Heidi "Heidi Heid" and after a while it started to stick with me and then it just turned into Heid. At first Maressa was like, Heid? What is that? But when she wrote this note she addressed it to Heid!!! And we have been calling her Mar and now she calls me Ali/Ali Baby. Heidi has been calling me Al for awhile now, but it's so cool that we each have nicknames! I like it when people give me a nickname on their own accord, meaning I had nothing to do with it! Not many people call me Ali and I like it that way! Then it's special/cool when people do that. The boys, namely Davor and Dan, are not fans of our new nicknames, but that's ok. It's fun and now it' weird to say their full names! Well, except when I write and when talking to other people about them!

After Maressa and I talked for awhile, Heidi and Skyler came in. They got some breakfast too and we had a great Bible study from the first chapter in Luke. I don't know when the last time was that I read that and I learned a lot. I said goodbye to Skyler after that since she was leaving at 12 to go back up north before heading back to the US on Wednesday. I can't believe she had already been here for like 3 weeks! Unreal! I went home, took a nap, worked on some homework and had lunch before class. I'm really going to miss that class and Frau Voigt-Zimmermann. I have learned so much for her and I am just amazed by her passion that she has for what she teaches. I continued reading for Frau Heckmann and that took me just about up until her class to finish. I had a quick dinner and then went to class.

Maressa came over awhile later and after we made some dinner and talked for awhile, we decided to start working on our homework. Right after we decided we'd have a 20 minute silence period, Heidi knocked on the window. She was in a great mood after talking to Frau Heckmann about her PH (a class she started taking, but ended up not going to much) problems. Frau Heckmann is amazing and helped her work everything out and gave her a CD with all kinds of old Heidelberg songs. She was just ecstatic. Super cute. She settled down and then we all got to work. We worked past the time we had set and I ended up finishing my paper for tomorrow! It summed up my time in Heidelberg (one page-ish!) and included some of the good and bad things I experienced. They decided to spend the night and it was so cool. I love sleepovers! While they were finishing up their work I started reading some more of Twilight, but got so scared at this one part that I ended up throwing the book. I couldn't read anymore! But Heidi and Maressa made me continue and read aloud, but I just cringed and read really fast through the scary parts. The tracker Vampire was following them and getting closer and closer and then this dark face appeared on Bella's window, but not to worry. It was just Emmett. Whew! It was intense! We were all pooped and finally just crashed with Heidi sleeping with me and Maressa on the AJY bed on the floor.

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