Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Perfect Evening!

After sleeping in this morning I worked on my paper and then met Simone for lunch. We decided that next Friday we'd go to Karlsruhe together so she can show me where she's from. Yay! So excited! Maressa and I met a little while later for coffee at Schiller. Even though it was really warm outside, it was ok since Schiller is air conditioned and I was in fabulous company. Hanging out on one is so important to me and it was great to catch up with her since we haven't really had a chance to just sit down and talk in what seems like forever. First she left for Romania, then Johanna came, then Jess and Britt were here, then I went to the US, then her sister was here for two weeks and she's been crazy busy working on Idefix. FINALLY we both had time to just talk and it was great. She is so unbelievably uplifting and has the best advice and approach to life. Maressa and I will definitely be keeping in touch after we leave Heidelberg and I can see myself calling her for advice down the road on many occassions. She's an amazing woman of God and I just really admire her outlook on life and the way she carries herself.

Even though earlier in the day I had resisted getting Eis, I stopped in and got a scoop of lemon eis since it was just so hot. I chilled at AJY for awhile before going to Heidi's with her and Skyler. She checked over my paper and then we had a quite bite to eat before going to class. I was pretty much miserable in class because I was so hot and just felt like I had been sweating the whole dang day. Needless to say, I was happy when class was over. Heidi had the great idea to get a bottle of wine and sit by the river so we went to Schiller to buy a bottle (they let you taste it there, and clearly we love to support them so I made my second appearance of the day there and we got a great bottle of white wine. After rounding up Skyler and a few snacks, we headed for the river! We saw Sarah as we walked there and decided to sit on the castle side since we had never done that. It turned out to be fabulous. We were able to dangle our feet in the water and watched the sunset. Skyler didn't like the wine, so Heidi and I both had half of a bottle by the time 10 came around! We snacked on some cheeses while listening to music and it really was perfect. Of course we were a little typsy when we finally stood up so we danced a bit by the river and then went back to Heidi's where we just listened to Jack Johnson (clearly!) and chilled until Heidi fell asleep. Such a lovely way to cool down from a HOT day!

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