The class was Sprechlischer Kommunikation with Frau Voigt-Zimmerman. She is the teacher that I took phonetics with semester and absolutely loved. There were only 7 girls in the class - perfect size! Last semester we learned about pronunciation and this class is all about reading and speaking aloud while showing personality in your presentation. Kind of like public speaking...but a little different. She will pick texts with different moods and such and we will learn how to read them properly. Pretty cool. But the bad thing is that she is going to film us speaking. Ahhh!!
After class I came home and worked on some stuff before going out to buy posters for the calendars I'm going to make for my walls. I really liked having them last semester so I've got to do it again! I also stopped by a used bookstore and browed through the chapter books for younger people. I found Pippi Longstockings and knew I had to have it! My goal is to read 3 books in German by the end of the year. Totally doable!
Awhile later I went to Frau Heckmann's literature class at AJY. We're going to be reading from a wide variety of authors this semester. Seems like an interesting class, but nothing too special. After class a bunch of AJY students decided to go to a movie called Die Welle. I didn't really know anything about it and almost didn't go, but I figured that I might as well. AJY pays us back for it if we bring our ticket, so why not!? I ended up LOVING it. In English it's called The Wave. It's about a high school teacher who did an experiment with his class on fascism. It showed the students that if done correctly, people were easily sucked into such a system. Amazing moving. Can't wait to see it again once I get home.

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