We decided to ease our way into the rides and went on some that weren't too scary first. The log ride is one of my favorites since they take a picture and you can be the only ones in it if you get your own boat. The first time our picture was so cute! But we didn't want to carry the picture around the rest of the day so we decided to come back and do it later. My favorite ride at Holiday Park is Expedition GeForce. It's kind of scary because after it takes you to the top, the track goes pretty much straight down! I love it though!!! We had some pizza after that ride and then went on a few others. I usually don't like upside down rides, but Katharina convinced me to go on one that is similar to the Carolina Cyclone at Carowinds. The only time I've EVER been on upside down rides is with her! We went on them when we went to Carowinds in 2004, which was my first time. I guess it's just something about my little Katharina! It really wasn't bad at all and since I had my eyes closed I didn't even know we were going upside down! We ended up riding the log ride three more times to get the perfect picture. We would have only had to do it twice more, but people got in the back of our boat at the end. So in that picture we put our hoods on and pouted! haha She bought the picture for both of us on our last ride. It's pretty cute! We were trying to look like we were flying. The first time we did this I was way too into it and looked like I was trying to get out of the boat. The last time, I Katharina was really into it. We laughed about this so much. We also got some yummy french fries and enjoyed them before going on a few more rides. Maybe not the best idea, but we didn't have any problems!

It was so fun to hang out with Katha all day. We spoke in English for the majority of the day because it's so much easier to joke like we like to! Finally we took a lot of pictures. The last few times we've hung out we haven't really stuck with our routine of documenting every single second together. We left after our fingers started to freeze and then blared the heat in the car. Mama Sipos was going to cook spaghetti for dinner tonight, but Papa Sipos got a ticket for a tennis match at the SAP arena in Mannheim that he gave her. She got to watch Justine Henin and Stefi Graf play against each other!!! And she had a really good seat! So cool!!!! Döner is a really popular fast food type thing to eat here, but I've never had one. Katharina suggested we get that for dinner and it was so good! I'm thinking that the meat is lamb, but I really don't want to actually think about it! All I know was that it was yummy! I also saw Sebastian a little today, but only for 5 seconds at a time because he was playing poker online and couldn't miss a second!

This morning on our way to Holiday Park we stopped by Katharina's boyfriend's house to pick up a little TV. She had loaned it to him but said that she needed it back so she could loan it to me! So exciting! She drove me home around 7:30 and then I went over to Maressa's to watch Friends again. When she returned the DVD we rented last night she got another one! Sweet! We only watched four and saved the others for tomorrow night.
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