Katie Wolfe told Heidi and I that she had made crepes for dinner the other night and that they turned out really well. That was exciting news and we thought we should have a cooking class sometime! Keith had asked Heidi and I to cook with him tonight, so we figured we might as well make those and he can just eat them too! She said all we needed to have was milk and eggs because she already had the flour. She also said she would come to see Hairspray with us tonight! How exciting!
Each week we work on projects in our groups. We stay with the same group the whole time, so I still have to work with the guy who took forever on the last project. Maybe it will be a test of patience. One group presents their big project at the beginning of the week and the other two groups present on a little trip they took. My group took a trip to the Freiwilligenbörse. It was basically a volunteer agency type thing. Only four people in my group went because one of the other groups was going to a Gymnasium (high school) and a girl in my group wants to be a teacher. I think it would have been cool to go there since they were going to sit in on a class, but I guess it’s ok that I didn’t since I did that when I was with Katharina. So Heidi, John and I took the bus to where we needed to go. Frau Heckmann and the other guy rode their bikes and met us there. We met up with a lady there and she talked to us about the place. She used a lot of words that I didn’t know, so I pretty much nodded my head through most of it knowing that I could look through the brochure later and fully understand everything. There were a few types of cookies on the table and we got to snack on them during our meeting! Frau Heckmann left right after we got there, so when we were done we just went back to AJY. We were going to work on what we would say in our presentation, but decided to do it another day after we had read through the brochures. I liked that idea. Before we decided that, a few of the people started to get on the computer. I said something about maybe we could start working on it then so we didn’t have to be there all day. The same guy who slightly annoys me told me that I am so impatient with everything. Really, I wasn’t being impatient. I just think that I like to be efficient and get work done in a timely matter instead of messing around and wasting time doing/talking about other things. I’m trying to just ignore him because I think that’s just the way he is, but it he’s so dang annoying!!
Heidi and I decided that we’d go see Hairspray tonight at 5, but she asked what I was doing this afternoon before that. I told her that I was just going to go home, have lunch and do homework. She had a much more exciting idea. After we had lunch at our own apartments, she was going to come over and we would go do our homework somewhere. I worked on a little homework while I did my lunch and even finished two worksheets!
The two options we had were going to a café or going up to the castle to do our homework. It was a BEAUTIFUL day, so we couldn’t pass up the chance to sit outside! And really, how often do you get to do your homework at a castle? The walk up there is steep, but not too long. I was wearing better shoes today, but for some reason it seemed harder than last time! That’s probably because Dr. Tracy walks slower and we would stop every now and then and talk about the different buildings and such. Since it rained some yesterday, the grass was a little damp, but we decided to sit there anyway. We took some pictures and I finished some of my homework while she read. We had a great time and I hope we can go back up there again!
We came back down around 4 since we were meeting Katie at 4:30 at AJY. We came down a different way than we went up. Nice change of scenery! One our way down, there were two Americans in front of us talking about what else they should do while in Heidelberg. I wanted to suggest something, but I didn't want them to know I had been listening to their conversation. They seemed like they knew what they were going to do, so it was ok.
When I got to AJY, there was a package sitting on the table. I didn't pay much attention to it, but Heidi picked it up and told me it was for me! It was a birthday gift from the JONES!! They sent me some beads, a game we played at the beach (Swipe!), a pack of refill blades for my razor (we didn't think they'd have them here!) and a nice card! How sweet and thoughtful!
The movie theater we went to was right on the Hauptstrasse. We got a discount since we are students and then I bought some popcorn. Even here, the concessions are expensive! I don't know why I was surprised about that since everything here is pretty expensive, but I was. The popcorn they have is sweet, not salty or buttery. But it isn't like Kettlecorn. It's just really good! The theater we were in was pretty small. I think it was about the size of one of the theathers in Seaside. One of the seats was a double seat and Katie and I just happened to sit there. I can't tell you how excited I was to see Hairspray again! I sang along (quietly so I didn't bother anyone) to all the songs. The songs were in English and the rest of the movie in German. Most of the movie is in song, so Katie and Heidi understood it pretty well. When they sang, they had German subtitles and it was cool to see how they would say some of the stuff in German. Du bist Zeitlos für mich! aka You are timeless to me.
After the movie I ran to the grocery store on the Haupstrasse and bought milk and eggs. Katie went back to AJY to talk to her mom on Skype and then came over a little later. When Heidi came she brought some of her German CDs she had been telling me about and we listened to them until Katie showed up. The crepes were SO easy to make! One cup of flower, one cup of milk, one egg, a little sugar, a little salt and a little water and that's it! They also cooked really fast! We all ate two and the first time we spread nutella and then sprinkled powdered sugar on them. The second time we spread butter, sprinkled lemon juice and then added a little powdered sugar. I was a little skeptical because it sounded really weird, but it tasted really really good!
Heidi finished up the book she was reading (The Kite Runner in English) and I did the worksheet I had to do. Then Katie and I played a game of Swipe and we tied! We had to do a tie-breaker and I ended up winning! One of the first times I've won that game. When I played with JT Jones he beat me everytime! I think they left around around 10:30. I was so tired and went to bed after talking to Jess for a few minutes on AIM! Everytime we talk I always laugh out loud. Love it. Love her!
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