Even though I had a ton to do today, I decided to sleep a little longer than I originally planned since I didn't want to be exhausted the entire day. I worked for awhile on my AJY paper that deals with the extracurriular activities I've been involved in since here. It has to be four pages long, but I am writing about the DAI Kindergarten and also about Campus für Christus. I haven't been to one of their meetings yet, but I plan on going next week. This paper isn't due until later in November, so I still have time to have a few experiences with the group!
When Anna (my roommate in the wheelchair) showers, it takes quite awhile. Though I completely understand, it is sometimes frustrating because I don't know when she will be done. So after waiting for awhile, I decided to run to the bank. Right as I was walking out the door she came out of the bathroom, but I went anyway so that I could just get it done before class. Last time I went to the bank, the ATM told me that something was wrong and I needed to contact my bank. They told me nothing was wrong and I went back later and it worked. Today I used the same ATM and got the same message. Then I tried another one and it worked. Strange. I'm just glad that nothing was wrong there!
I came back, showered, ate lunch and then headed off to my marathon of a class. I really do like this class, but we are always there for the entire 3 hours. We have a 20 minute break, but he doesn't count that in the class time, so instead of the class lasting from 1:45-4:45, it goes until 5:00. I know 15 minutes doesn't seem that long, but by the end, it is definitely time to go! We watched some really funny clips and also did a little group work where we had to put different pictures from a show in order. My group got it 100% right! There was another group that did as well, but the professor only talked about our group and how great of a job we did. Kinda funny! Then we watched the show. It was called Türkisch für Anfänger aka Turkish for Beginners. It was a really funny show about a German mom who is dating a Turkish man. They each have two kids and they move in together. The professor said that we really needed to pay attention to what was going on because we were watching as part of Uni (for school) and not ins Kino (at the movies).
After class I walked back to AJY with Patrick. He had friends from Spain (they go to Elon too) visit. He offered to meet them at the airport, but ended up going to the wrong one. Frankfurt am Main is the big airport and then Frankfurt Hahn is the smaller one that RyanAir flys to. Even though its called Frankfurt, they are really far apart. He went all the way to Frankfurt am Main and then had no way to get to Hahn. So he decided to take a Taxi. What a crazy idea. It ended up costing him almost 200 Euros. Unreal. Never would I EVER. They had also already bought train tickets from Frankfurt am Main back to Heidelberg, but then had to buy bus tickets that would take them directly to Heidelberg since it didn't make sense to go back to the airport. Wow. Talk about an expensive visit! We talked about all of this dealing with Frankfurt Hahn during Orientation, but I guess he didn't get it or wasn't listening! So happy that I was well informed!
I had planned on going to a Campus für Christus meeting tonight, but Katharina sent me an text earlier in the day asking if I could help her write a paper. She offered to bring dinner with her and I knew that she really needed my help. So she came around 5:15 and brought me some kind of Nouggat drink! SO GOOD! So we worked on her commerical aviation paper for awhile and then made this really yummy pasta she brought. It was made by Kraft but I had never heard of it before. I have to look for it at the stores! It had some kind of yummy cream sauce. While we were cooking we saw a Daddy Long Leg spider in the kitchen and thought that he had caught a bunch of bugs in his web. But as we looked closer, we noticed that they weren't bugs, but about 20 baby Daddy Long Legs! GROSS! Keith hates spiders so I think I will just try to vaccum them up! Then we finished her paper and she looked over what I have for my AJY paper so far. I just love hanging out with her. We always have so much fun and laugh a lot. If my mom were here, she would have taken a lot of pictures of us. Making dinner, writing the paper, seeing the spiders, everything! We documented nearly every minute when she came to visit us in North Carolina and when i came to Ketsch. Good times!
Heidi stopped by after her class and we watched the movie from Jessica and Brittanie. She loved it, of course! Then we went to AJY and printed our boarding passes and such. It started snowing on the way there! It was just a little bit, but nevertheless really really exciting! When we got to AJY we met Katie Wolfe's friends who are visiting from the States. They were at the airport at 7 AM Thursday US time! And they were still awake at 9 Germany time today! I can't imagine how tired they were! I also found out that Maressa is able to stay for next semester as well! I'm SO excited for her! She has been planning on doing so since she got here, but only told her school three weeks ago. They told her that the deadline had passed and that she couldn't stay. She has been working with them and waiting, waiting, waiting for a reply for the last few weeks. How cool!
Tomorrow morning Heidi and I leave for Rome! We have to be at the train station around 2:15 so that we can take a bus to the airport for our flight that leaves at 6:30. I wouldn't be making this journey alone, so I'm glad she's coming with me! She isn't going to sleep tonight, but I think I will need to so that I'm not a total mess in Rome! I'm so excited because not only do I get to visit Makenna and another country, but her parents and grandparents are coming on Sunday! I love them! Cannot wait for this trip!!!
While I was making lunch today I noticed that there was a sign in the kitchen that read "Don't leave your dishes in the sink. I am not a maid. -Keith" How weird. When he came in the kitchen I said that I thought he was a maid and that was the reason for him living with us. I don't think he liked that. Things have just been strange between us lately. We haven't hung out in a really long time. He always talks about what he doesn't like here and plays on his computer and goes to the gym everyday. That is not how I want to spend my time here!
I had planned on sleeping for a little while before Heidi came, but ended up talking with my roommates about some issues including the sign Keith had put up. I overheard them talking in the living room about how I wasn't doing my share around the apartment, etc. Keith wasn't there because he left for the weekend, so it was just Julia and Anna. They knocked on my door and told me this and I was really shocked. I do more than my fair share around here! We have a cleaning plan and chore chart in our kitchen and whenever we buy something or clean something we're supposed to write our name in the respective category. My name is by far on the list more than anyone elses. They said that Keith had talked to both of them about me leaving my dishes in the sink, but I saw him multiple times last week and he didn't say a word about it to me. I explained to them that there is no way that the dishes in the sink were mine becuase if I don't have time to do them right away, I just leave them in my room because I don't think its fair for other people to have to do my dishes. We decided that we cannot live like this and that our communication has to improve. If we have a problem with something, we have to talk to the person it involves or it won't be solved effectively and people will get mad. How weird.
I packed, wrote emails and just hung out until Heidi came around 1:15. I knew that it was a bad idea to not get any sleep, but Julia, Anna and I talked for so long I just didn't have time! To Rome we go!